Member Benefits

Expert Lectures
At least one special lecture from top experts every month. The content topics are tailored for young or new practitioners.
Monthly Case Studies
The academic department of the Association will organize an online case discussion every month. Each discussion will set a theme, and senior experts in this field will be invited to preside over the discussion. Members can provide their own cases for sharing and discussion.

Exclusive Discounts
The association cooperates with many Chinese medicine-related institutes/businesses to provide exclusive benefits for all members. All members can enjoy special discounts or gifts.
Referral Database
Members will have access to a database of member’s practice locations so that they may help recommend practitioners for patients who move or have friends and family with TCM needs in other locations.

License Preparation
The association has reached a cooperation agreement with professional NCCAOM / California license examination training institutes. We provide free examination training for test preparation members on a regular basis and provide exclusive discounts when registering for training courses.
"Outstanding Young Acupuncturist" Award
Every year, the association will select members to receive the annual outstanding young acupuncturist award for recognizing achievements and encouraging the growth and progress of young practitioners.

Other Benefits
In addition to the above points, the association also has many exclusive benefits for its members, such as online Q & A, clinic operation consultation and training, special insurance training and benefits for traditional Chinese medicine, employment recommendations for young practitioners, etc. As the association grows, the benefits we provide to our members will also continue to increase!